Prism Electronics News2024-01-05T11:58:31+00:00


Latest Prism news, customer and industry articles related to the electronics manufacturing sector

Prism Makes Major Investment in PCB Manufacturing Capacity

Cambridgeshire based contract electronics manufacturer, Prism Electronics, has announced significant investment in PCB manufacturing capacity and an increase in the number of staff. The new MY200SX-14 purchased by Prism is a high speed, high precision pick-and-place machine able to place up to 24,000 components per hour. Its addition to the company’s SMT manufacturing resourc [...]

|Prism News|

Prism Electronics Runner Raises Money for Cancer Research

Account manager Glen Dear of St Ives (Cambridgeshire) based contract electronics manufacturer Prism Electronics has taken part in this year’s Milton Keynes marathon to raise money for Cancer Research. Prism account manager Glen Dear ran this year’s Milton Keynes Marathon to raise money for Cancer Research. The 26.2 mile run route followed a single lap along closed roads and [...]

|Prism News, Uncategorized|

Prism Invests in Aegis Software to Reduce Risk for Customers

UK Cambridge based contract electronics manufacturer Prism Electronics has selected Aegis manufacturing execution software as an integrated system to streamline engineering control and production information handling. Prism focuses on the manufacture of complex products in modest volumes. The complexity ranges from initial technical challenges through to logistical and supply [...]

|Prism News|

Company Leaves UK – But Retains Prism as Reliable and Responsive Manufacturing Partner

A world leading manufacturer of innovative medical equipment has retained St Ives-based contract electronics manufacturer Prism Electronics Limited as its lead supplier of electronic circuit boards. Prism is a reliable and responsive manufacturing partner in the UK and overseas. The company relocated overseas but maintained its links with Prism as a supplier because of long- [...]

|Prism News|

Prism Customers Benefit from Training

St Ives (Cambridgeshire) based contract electronics manufacturer Prism Electronics Limited ( continues to invest in high level vocational training intended to develop highly motivated staff focussed on supporting customer needs. Customer service and marketing communications officer Lindsay Webb has completed the government-funded Business Improvement [...]

|Prism News|

Prism Investment Reduces Risks for Customers Launching New Products

Cambridgeshire contract electronics manufacturer Prism Electronics has improved its production infrastructure in order to deliver greater responsiveness and an additional level of support to its customers. Prism Electronics has made a significant investment in new NPI software in order to streamline data management to help reduce time to market and cut costs for its customers [...]

|Prism News|

Caring Staff at Prism Electronics Race for Life

Caring staff at St Ives (Cambridgeshire) based contract electronics manufacturer Prism Electronics have taken part in this year’s Race for Life. Pictured with their race medals are Lindsay Webb (centre) flanked by Nicola Shepherd (left) and Kellie Whitworth (right). The 5K race is staged at venues all around the country in support of Cancer Research UK. Race for Life is the [...]

|Prism News|

Prism Service Nets Gas Detection Instrument Contract

St Ives (Cambridgeshire) based contract electronics manufacturing services provider Prism Electronics Limited has secured a substantial contract to assist in the production of state-of-the-art gas detection equipment. Pictured from left to right with the new Cub PID monitor are Prism account manager Glen Dear, Ion Science engineering director Graham Davies and David Dickin, P [...]

|Prism News|

Key Appointments at Prism Electronics Strengthen Premium Service Capability

Prism Electronics has reinforced its commitment to quality and premium service with two new senior staff appointments. Prism has strengthened its operations team to ensure that it continues to provide excellent service to existing clients whilst also being able to quickly integrate new customers into its operations. The new appointments will help the company to meet increasing [...]

|Prism News|

Prism Staff Pass Lean Manufacturing NVQs

Undertaking NVQ business improvement training has helped staff at St Ives (Cambridgeshire) based contract electronics manufacturing services provider Prism Electronics Limited ( become better problem solvers. Eight members of staff at Prism Electronics undertook the government-funded Business Improvement Techniques NVQ Level 2. It was undertaken to ac [...]

|Prism News|


Prism Electronics Manufacturing Ltd are committed to;

  • Delivering on time and in full following a ‘right first time’ methodology.
  • Communicate in a timely and effective manner with our customers and suppliers.
  • Strive for zero defects as the only acceptable target through continual improvement.
  • Ensuring we operate our business in a professional and ethical manner at all times.


Company Reg. No. 15956700

VAT No. GB 551 0301 02


8:00am – 5:00pm


+44 (0) 1480 462 225


Company Reg. No. 15956700

VAT No. GB 551 0301 02


8:00am – 5:00pm


+44 (0) 1480 462 225

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